Healing Hands, Empathic Hearts

When I mention that I can communicate to animals...the jokes begin. "Oh she thinks she's Dr. Doolittle"...lol. Well no...but Dr. Doolittle is not the only one who can talk to the animals.

Scientific studies have shown that animals do communicate to one another, dolphins, whales, birds and others are capable of understanding one another. Gorillas have been taught sign language to communicate with us.  In my opinion the sign language worked because it is visual and that's how they communicate amongst themselves.

How do you know that...you might ask? Well as a Veterinarian assistant for fifteen years and as a pet mommy for many more years than that I have been working with ways to "talk" to the animals. What I can tell you is that they respond to visual images mentally sent to them. 

Of course they respond to verbal communication as well, but that has more to do with the sound and vibration of your voice and learning what is associated with that sound or vibration than understanding the actual meaning. In an energetic, happy voice you tell Fido to get his leash to go for a walk. Key words such as walk and leash carry a specific vibration as does the overall tone of your voice. Fido now gets excited and runs and gets his leash as though he understands. But if you use that same tone and say the sentence Kathy goes for a walk everyday on a leash. Fido will react the same. Its not the meaning he is grasping.

When we do something...whatever it is begins as a thought. Thoughts are visual, whether you are aware of them or not and they also carry a vibration. So if for instance you are contemplating giving Fido a bath, almost every dog owner I know can relate to this, by the time you have everything set up for the bath...even if you are sneaky about it...where's Fido? Under the bed if he's small enough, right? Why? Because he was reading your visual thoughts long before you were ever ready to carry out the action.  

Likewise, at the clinic it was difficult to not send the intent prior to the action with so many people walking around thinking of what the next step was. But if I was given the time to send the visuals of what we were going to do step by step and show the end result and why this would help the animal, most times it went very peacefully because they knew what to expect and that our intentions were not to harm them.

At home if I have to medicate a cat for something I purposely walk around thinking about gardening, the book I am reading...anything but the act I am about to carry out. If I don't the said cat is well hidden by the time I am ready to carry out my actions. While I try to hide my intentions initially...once I have them I do explain what I am going to do first and generally have no problem. Usually I have an amazed person standing there saying something like "if I tried that with my cat I would be shredded." But if someone were to try and do something to us without explanation...how would we react? Not well, I can assure you and rightfully so.

Try this at home when you and your pet are peaceful and relaxed. In your mind see your pet, call them by name and then walk up to your pet an hug him and begin to talk to him about how special he is and pet him. See yourself give him a treat or something he really likes...then stand up and walk away patting your thigh if this is a dog or if its a cat just walk off a short distance and sit down. I will bet your pet is by you before you come out of this contemplation.

Keep working on this in your mind and before you know it you will be very aware that your pet fully understands what you are saying with your mental pictures. Its all about connecting to their energy and vibration. Now receiving their messages...well, that's another article. 

To many sending healing or cleansing energy to another person in another room, another city, or even another country sounds a bit fantastical. Therefore, even though the notion might seem somewhat attractive or intriguing, they write off the method as nonsense for fear of appearing naïve or gullible.

It is not necessarily Reiki in and of itself that the people are rejecting. It’s easy for the average person to conceptualize Reiki hands on healing sessions. After all, going for a massage is a common practice these days. Few people would argue with the relief and relaxation that the hands of the masseuse provides. From that perspective, it’s not much of a stretch to assume that the warmth felt during hands on Reiki sessions could provide similar relief.

For most, they really don’t need or want to understand how Reiki works. In fact, most are comfortable thinking Reiki is simply another form of massage. They really don’t care that Reiki is actually a bundle of healing frequencies similar in composition to light, sound, radio, or television waves. Nor do they need to understand that the practitioner serves as a conduit for these energies which can be manipulated for cleansing and healing of unhealthy aspects of the body. All they know is that after a session they feel better.

The Inner Workings of Reiki. The problem is that without knowledge of the inner workings of Reiki frequencies, distant healing does sound a bit like magic. Imagine getting an x-ray or turning on a television without any understanding of how these machines work. Without a basic idea these are simply boxes that magically create pictures of the bones and little men stuck inside a box.

However, once someone understands that Reiki is a wavelength, the concept of distant practice seems much more viable. Sound and television frequencies often travel great distances with or without amplification. Likewise, most people have viewed satellite images of the moon and Mars. These are all merely wavelengths that have been manipulated so that they are available to the average person.

The actual transmission, conduction, and manipulation of Reiki waves over a distance is often described in spiritual terms. Some Reiki practitioners say that everyone is part of an integral whole which makes distance only an illusion. Others will declare that we are all part of God or that Christ can heal anyone at anytime.

Reiki and Quantum Physics From a scientific point of view, Reiki distant sessions can be easily explained by quantum physics. Simply put, everyone and everything in the universe is made up or atoms. As most people vaguely remember from high school science, atoms are made up of subatomic parts that have particular charges. These charges must stay balanced and will attract other atoms if need be. In this way, even the smallest change in the system will have ramifications. Based upon the precepts of string theory, which states that matter can be manipulated so that distance is no longer a complication, small changes in the properties of a group of atoms could affect another system at the other end of the universe as easily as if they were part of the original body.

In this way, when Reiki is introduced the wavelengths affect the human body at the subatomic level, even over a great distance. These healing waves are naturally attracted to unhealthy aspects of the individual as they try to balance themselves. In turn, this causes fundamental changes within the person receiving treatment.

    Spirit 4 YOU

    Learn techniques for protection, how to spot areas that need help such as cleansing, healing and so on.

    Some articles are original and some are reprints. Credit to the original author is always given.


    April 2010


    Animal Communication
    Reiki Distant Healing

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