Healing Hands, Empathic Hearts


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Healing Hands, Empathic Hearts

Psychic Tarot  .  Psychic Cartomancy  .  Reiki Energy Cleansing  & Healing

Psychic Tarot
I have spent 12 years learning the cards and their meaning and I have been honing my gifts for a lifetime. I am now offering an in depth psychic Tarot email reading on any of the following ~ relationships (not just romantic, mothers, daughters, friends, bosses) love life, finances, career and so on.
Psychic Cartomancy  ~ This is the reading of regular playing cards and is actually where the Tarot sprang from hundreds of years ago. It is rumored to be more powerful and accurate than the Tarot...though I have success with both.  I have spent 12 years learning the cards and their meaning and I have been honing my gifts for a lifetime. I am now offering an in depth psychic Cartomancy email reading on any of the following ~ relationships (not just romantic ~ mothers, daughters, friends, bosses), love life, finances, career and so on.
Reiki Energy Cleansing ~ Some may find that no matter how much they work on issues even with professional help, that they can not make progress. This may be do to blockages, astral tears, soul ties, generational curses (brought on through purposeful intent to harm another), unwanted entities, open portals, dabbling in the occult (ouji boards and the like), demonic influences and more.

These issues can present as being accident prone, some mental health issues, alcoholism and addictions,  strange occurrences happening often, depression, constant fights and negativity and more.

If you are plagued with recurring incidents or issues you may need an energy cleansing to close portals, repair tears in the astral field, free blockages and so on. You may require more than one treatment to loose the ties that bind you.

 For that reason I will teach you how to do this for yourself . The initial cleansing usually takes about 2 weeks to complete from start to finish. I will take you step by step through it. When I am done any repeat cleansing that is needed you will be able to do for yourself and others in need of cleansing, since some of these issues are passed through the DNA (hence the term generational curse).

  Energy Cleansings can also be used to clear properties and place a blessing on your property  *
Reiki Healing ~ I have been blessed with the gift of healing, actually we all have, but you must accept the gifts whether to heal others or to accept the gift of healing for yourself. I work in unison with a Usui Reiki Master to send you this healing. You may not receive the healing that you want or ask for, you will receive the healing that God/Spirit wishes to give to you. You may be looking for physical healing and God/Spirit will give you the gift of emotional and spiritual healing to help you cope. We cannot designate how you will be healed, only that you will be according to what God/Spirit feels you need.

Marcine T.  is a Reiki Master formally trained in Usui Reiki  who uses Reiki everyday of her life to send healing to the planet and all life via her healing grid. I am a level II Usui Reiki Practitioner and also practice on a regular basis. You will be the recipient of both us sending Reiki to you and be placed in the Reiki grid for healing for 30 days.

We will work with you at a designated time which we will all agree upon everyday for 10 minutes. You will set aside this time to quiet yourself, relax, put on some soft, uplifting music and make yourself an open receptacle for God/Spirit to work in you. We will also give you a peaceful meditation to do. You will be amazed at how fresh, centered, peaceful and uplifted you will feel after this experience each day.

The price on this may seem high to you but if you figure it out this works out to only $1.00 per minute which works out to .50 a minute for each of us. For this you get TWO people (one practitioner and one Master) combined and you are placed in the Reiki healing grid as well...all this for 30 days.
(Depending upon how you react to the sessions the time may be either decreased or increased to start and then readjusted to a longer time as we go. But the price will remain the same.)
